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Project supported by Director, CSIR-CGCRI, the DST, Government of India, and the CSIR 12th Plan Project (GLASSFIB), India.
Existence of out-of-plane conical dispersion for a triangular photonic crystal lattice is reported. It is observed that conical dispersion is maintained for a number of out-of-plane wave vectors (kz). We study a case where Dirac like linear dispersion exists but the photonic density of states is not vanishing, called Dwarf Dirac cone (DDC) which does not support localized modes. We demonstrate the trapping of such modes by introducing defects in the crystal. Interestingly, we find by k-point sampling as well as by tuning trapped frequency that such a conical dispersion has an inherent light confining property and it is governed by neither of the known wave confining mechanisms like total internal reflection, band gap guidance. Our study reveals that such a conical dispersion in a non-vanishing photonic density of states induces unexpected intense trapping of light compared with those at other points in the continuum. Such studies provoke fabrication of new devices with exciting properties and new functionalities.
Photonic crystal (PC) system has aroused huge interest in the field of optics for its interesting optical properties. Even defects, cavities or specially designed PCs can support localized/trapped modes which can lead to some niche applications like optical fibers, lasers of different kind, couplers, filters, etc.[1] Like electronic bands in crystal, PCs have photonic bands that may possess band gaps also. A two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) PC possessing photonic band gap forbids the propagation of electromagnetic wave of certain frequencies that lies within that gap. The creation of an appropriate defect will allow light of certain frequencies to be trapped[2] or to propagate which might not be allowed within the crystal due to band gap restrictions. Band gap guidance is well used in PC fibers where out-of-plane guidance is relevant.[3]
Interestingly, two photonic bands of the PC possess an accidental degeneracy and have a linear dispersion relation at that point, a photonic Dirac cone (DC) arises where the density of states vanishes, and this phenomenon is similar to that of the electronic DC formed in graphene.[4] This special photonic band structure is unique due to its exciting properties like exceptional transmission, zitterbewegung of photon, Klein tunnelling, anti-localization, pseudo-diffusion, quantum Hall effect,[5–7] etc. This kind of structure has been used to create scatter-free waveguide, unidirectional filter,[8] lenses of arbitrary shape,[9] surface emitting lasers,[10] etc. After the pioneering findings of the existence of photonic DC at the zone boundary of two-dimensional PC by Haldane and Raghu,[11] and the honey-comb lattice by Ochiai and Onoda,[12] Huang et al.[13] showed such a condition is possible for a medium of which effective permittivity (εeff) along with effective permeability (μeff) is zero at a particular frequency. Sakoda showed that such a conical dispersion exists at zone centre for a three-dimensional (3D) triangular lattice,[14] and at zone boundary for a two-dimensional (2D) square lattice.[15] Dirac points in a 2D core-shell PC[16] have also been reported recently. By creating the appropriate defect, trapping of light[17,18] with frequencies at the Dirac point has been shown. Recently, Dirac point based guidance in optical fiber has also been demonstrated.[19] They have considered out-of-the plane photonic bands where a true Dirac point with vanishing photonic density of states (DOS) is created and some open wide Dirac spectra have been noticed. There are other linear dispersion regions where DOS is not at all zero and named as Dwarf Dirac cone (DDC)[19] which does not possess such an open Dirac spectrum. They did not consider these points since those points reside within the radiation continuum and should not support localized mode except that there exist some embedded eigenvalues.[20,21] These points do not exist within the band gap and hence the radiation losses cannot not be suppressed. In the present paper, the structures that are used do not support total internal reflection either. What we have done in the present work is to trap those frequencies at the Dwarf Dirac point (DDP) by creating suitable defects and observe that such a linear dispersion of DDC has some inherent properties of effective and better suppression of radiation mode in order to achieve the confinement of light compared with the other points in the continuum. This property is apparently unusual but evidenced from the quality factors (Q value) of the structure obtained from k-point sampling in the first Brillouin zone along with frequency sampling in and around a close vicinity of DDP. Moreover as mentioned, this confinement does not rely on the band gap guidance[3,23] mechanism, not on total internal reflection. Study of such cases indicates a new mechanism hence induces new tuneable characteristics suitable for application in sensors or in lasers.
A 2D PC is defined by a periodic dielectric function ε(x∥), which is periodic in a particular plane and invariant in the direction perpendicular to the plane of periodicity. The schematic diagram of the unit cell of a 2D triangular lattice of air holes embedded in a solid dielectric matrix is shown in Fig.
The propagation of electromagnetic wave in such a PC is governed by Maxwell’s electromagnetic wave equation. One can start with either a wave equation with an electric field or a wave equation with a magnetic field. In this study we solve the wave equation for a magnetic field which is given by
In search of a localized mode formed by a defect within a supercell of a photonic crystal, it is known that for an NxN supercell, the band structure is highly folded where each of the photonic bands of a unit cell is replaced by N2 number of bands and the bound/localized state appears as a flat band[17] superposed on the folded PBS calculated by PWM. The analogy of this flat band in the electronic case may be the appearance of an extra n-type or p-type band for a doped semiconductor. Besides, the finite element method (FEM) eigenvalue search shows a highly concentrated field around the defect. The concentrated field is traceable by sampling the entire k-path in the first Brillouin zone at the same frequency (flat band). Here, the defect usually acts like a cavity which supports a particular frequency. This frequency depends on the size or radius of the defect. When an incident radiation (a plane wave) is coupled with the frequency supported by the defect, a resonance occurs and an intense energy is trapped in the defect.
We employed PWM for calculating the PBS to identify the degeneracy point. We calculated PBS for air holes (εa = 1) in materials with dielectric constants εb = 15, 16, 17, and 18 respectively each for kz = 0.25/Λ, 0.5/Λ, 0.75/Λ. The defect modes appearing due to the creation of defect in the PC are calculated by utilizing FEM in the frequency domain as it is in the commercially available software COMSOL multiphysics. While calculating the defect modes by FEM, we took an 11 × 11 supercell of each crystal and made eigen-frequency analysis by using Fouquet periodicity to find out the possible trapped mode in air (εd = 1) defect. We also calculated PBS using COMSOL to compare the result obtained by PWM. Differences in results were less than 2% and hence we assume that results in both cases are the same and use PWM for calculating PBS. Q value and mode solution calculations are also made by FEM study as implemented in COMSOL.
PCs with air holes (εa = 1) in four different dielectrics (εb = 15, 16, 17, and 18) in triangular manner are studied where only the results of εb = 16 in the case of kz = 0.5/Λ are shown. Here the filling fraction (d/Λ) for each case is kept at 0.8. In the PBS (Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. Iso-frequency surfaces of bands 1 and 2 at the K point (marked as ‘A’ in Fig. |
In order to trap this Dwarf Dirac frequency, we need to create a suitable defect in a supercell structure. The PBS of a supercell structure is a highly folded one and the defect state due to a defect appears as a flat band overlapped with the folded PBS (see Appendix
A similar technique is used to find the defect radii for other values of kz. The electric field distributions of defect modes resonating at DDP of the same PC for kz = 0.5/Λ at the k point are shown in Fig.
As mentioned earlier, the defect state appears as a flat band in the highly folded band structure of the supercell, and at each of the points in the entire k-point sampling of the PBS, a highly concentrated field is observed in the defect site at the same frequency. Suitable value of rd ensures that this flat band passes through the DDP which is situated at the k point (special point of the Brillouin zone).
Now we study the Q values of those resonance modes along with that for Dirac frequency in the case of 16-1 dielectric contrast PC with kz = 0.5/Λ, which are shown in Fig.
In this work, we investigate the existence of Dirac point in out-of-plane condition by calculating PBS for non-zero values of out-of-plane wave vector. Numerical calculations reveal that conical dispersion is possible for non-zero out-of-plane wave vector at the K point, and our case of study comes to be a situation where a conical dispersion exists but the DOS is not vanishing. We show that such a linear dispersion has an inherent light confining property compared with those at the other points in the continuum and it is beyond the known light confining mechanism, hence it indicates a new phenomenon. This study may be useful in designing tuneable photonic devices with exciting properties and new functionalities.
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